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Area of CBC activity Labour Market
Sector of CBC activity Job matching
Please, briefly describe the CBC activity you wanted to pursue Within the framework of cross-border co-operation between the agency of labor and employment in the Belgorod region and the Kharkov regional center of employment an agreement was reached to promote the employment of unemployed citizens of Russia and the Ukraine. Under the agreement, the agencies exchange job vacancies, including those obtained through the collection of applications from employers concerning the needs to attract foreign workers.
Within the territory of Belgorod Oblast the regional state unitary enterprise “Belregioninfo”, provides assistance to foreign nationals for employment and registration of documents, and employers in finding the qualified staff. This organization has signed agreements with official authorities of the former CIS countries, including the Ukraine.
Border areas (states involved) Belgorod region (Russia),

Kharkov region (Ukraine)

Institution CBC activity implemented by the Russian Federation
Contact details
year of record 2012