If you want to browse the best practices, you can start by going to the database page and selecting your section of interest:

CBC Areas: here you can choose a specific area of intervention (Labour Market, Health-Care, Education and Training, …) and then browse the activities other users implemented, the obstacles they encountered and the solutions they found;
Case studies: from here you can see all the CBC activities that the users implemented, and browse them by area;
Obstacles: here you can find all the obstacles that have been encountered in the implementation of CBC activities, and browse them by area and by the factors that contributed the most to them;
Solutions: here you can find all the solutions that the users found to the obstacles they encountered, and browse them by area.

You can also search the best practices browsing by country, or you can go to the contributors page and search for the institutions that supplied the best practices.

If you want to contribute to the database, sharing CBC issues, obstacles and solutions that you encountered, please go to the participation page and fill the form – we will contact you shortly for more information.

Finally, you can go to this page for further documentation on Cross-Border Cooperation.