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Area of CBC activity Labour market
Sector of CBC activity Institutional framework
Please, briefly describe the CBC activity you wanted to pursue This project aims to build a Danish-German ‘production-school’ and education-network in cooperation with public authorities, private companies, schools and business associations. This will contribute to the further development of existing vocational training opportunities for young people with few opportunities for employment integration.
As part of the networking plan participants from the border region will exchange work experiences, further develop existing training concepts, implement transnational qualification courses, reinforce a Danish-German school system (production school) and build a Danish-German, vocational preparation program within the maritime domain.
Border areas (states involved) Denmark, Germany
Institution Region Zealand, Department of Regional Development
Contact details Jesper Lorenz Gradert, Head of Section,

Ministry of the Interior and Health,

phone: +45 7228 2524,

e-mail: jlg@im.dk

year of record 2012