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Area of CBC activity Labour market
Sector of CBC activity Cross-border mobility
Please, briefly describe the CBC activity you wanted to pursue – Recruiting of staff within the health care field (especially doctors and nurses) in Germany.
– Advertising and participation in job fairs in Germany with special focus on recruitment.
– Initiatives to keep foreign workers in Region Midtjylland. For example focusing on teaching language skills, assisting families for finding jobs for partners, and education for the children.
– Advertising in Sweden with focus on recruiting labour.
Border areas (states involved) Germany, Denmark (Region Midtjylland) and Sweden
Institution Ministry of the Interior and Health
Contact details Jesper Lorenz Gradert, Head of Section,

Ministry of the Interior and Health,

phone: +45 7228 2524,

e-mail: jlg@im.dk

Year of record 2012