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What was the core OBSTACLE in undertaking the activity? Liability problems, language problems in crisis and disaster management.
Which were the main CAUSES of the OBSTACLE?
Which were the main EFFECTS of the OBSTACLE?
Please, describe briefly the factor(s) which mostly (3-4) aggravated the persistence of the Obstacle
Institution The Land Government of Rhineland-Palatinate is a member of the Franco-German-Swiss Conference of the Upper Rhine (Deutsch-französisch-schweizerische Oberrheinkonferenz) (ORK) and of the Greater Region Saarland – Lorraine – Luxembourg – Rhineland-Palatinate – the Walloon region – the French and German-speaking community of Belgium (Greater Region).
Contact details State Chancellery of Rhineland-Palatinate,mail to:Poststelle@stk.rlp.de
Year of record 2012