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Area of CBC activity Crisis and disaster/emergency management
Sector of CBC activity PreparednessEmergency response
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Lower Saxony concluded an agreement on cross-border cooperation between local authorities and other public agencies together with the Federal Land of North Rhine-Westphalia, the Federal Republic of Germany and the Kingdom of the Netherlands on 23 September 1991. The Ems Dollart Region special purpose association (Zweckverband Ems Dollart Region) is based on this agreement.

The special purpose association is responsible for fostering, supporting and coordinating regional, cross-border cooperation between its members in the area of disaster management.In addition, the Minister of the Interior of the Federal Land of Lower Saxony and the Minister and the State Secretary for the Interior and Kingdom Relations of the Netherlands issued a joint declaration on 7 June 2001 relating to cross-border cooperation.

It included comprehensive statements about further cross-border cooperation in the area of rendering assistance in the event of disasters and accidents. Since then, meetings of the working group “Cross-border cooperation in the area of disaster management” have been held every 6 months on the basis of this declaration to discuss cross-border cooperation issues.

Border areas (states involved) Groningen, Drenthe, Overijssel, Gelderland and Limburg – Netherlands

Cologne, Düsseldorf, Münster, Osnabrück – Germany

Institution The Federal Land of North Rhine-Westphalia

The Federal Republic of Germany

The Minister of the Interior of the Federal Land of Lower Saxony

Minister and the State Secretary for the Interior and Kingdom Relations of the Netherlands

Contact details State Chancellery of Lower Saxony,

mail to: poststelle@stk.niedersachsen.de

Year of record 2012