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Area of CBC activity Healthcare
Sector of CBC activity Mobility of Patients
Please, briefly describe the CBC activity you wanted to pursue – Region Midtjylland are following the national legislation found in “Sundhedsloven” (Health Care Law) concerning patient treatment abroad:
1. Right to a free choice of hospital and expanded free choice of hospital, when the conditions in the Health Care Law are fulfilled. The Danske Regioner (Danish Regions) is responsible for making agreements with hospitals abroad e.g. on behalf of the five regions.
2. Furthermore patients have the possibility of being treated abroad in case of life threatening diseases if Region Midtjylland cannot treat the patient within a month – or if the treatment is not available at a Danish hospital when the treatment is recommend by the Danish hospital department, with the highest specialization in Denmark and the recommendation is approved by the National Health Board.
3. Due to national legislation laid down in the Health Care Law residents in Denmark have the right to receive health care services. Furthermore the hospitals are committed to grant acute treatment to all people who are not residents, but are staying in the country temporarily.
4. Region Midtjylland has no agreements with hospitals abroad besides the agreements mentioned above.
Border areas (states involved) Denmark(Region Midtjylland)
Institution Ministry of the Interior and Health
Contact details Jesper Lorenz Gradert, Head of Section,Ministry of the Interior and Health,

phone: +45 7228 2524,

e-mail: jlg@im.dk

year of record 2012