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What was the identified solution? There have been identified several problems regarding joint health care facilities, but the main focus would be the development of joint health care facilities such as joint blood 
banks and cross-border treatment of cancer patients.
How was the solution identified? Solution was identified by local authorities
Who was/were the main actor/s responsible for its identification? Neither solution was implemented at the time
How was the solution implemented? By whom?
How long did it take for the solution to be implemented?
Did it have a positive impact on the overall level of CBC in the area?
Institution EGTC Eurocity Chaves-Verin
Contact details Antigua Aduana EspañolaAvda. Portugal, Feces de Abaixo
32699 Verín – Ourense
Tel.: (+34) 988 416 017
Fax: (+34) 988 426 644
Mov: (+34) 608 913 048
Year of record 2012