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What was the identified solution?

To encourage labour mobility and to improve the competitiveness of the Euroregion, there is a need to improve the process of connecting workers with employers to create a more cohesive labour market and the current evaluation and recognition process for Vocational Training (VT) certificates on both sides of the border.

The idea behind the initiative is to develop a proccess for Vocational Training similar to the Bologna proccess and the European Higher Education Area (EHEA), which has succesfully achieved a high degree of integration for European high level studies. This project initially focused on the 5 most important sectors of Vocational Training in the Galicia – North Portugal Euroregion: Automotive, Naval (shipbuilding), Building, Health and Tourism which will be extended to other labour sectors.

How was the solution identified? The operational objectives of this project are:

– To identify the current procedures required for citizens to have their qualifications recognised on the other side of the border, identification of the authorities responsible, procedures, documentation, etc required for the evaluation and recognition of every certificate,

– To provide specific information on the evaluation and equivalence of certificates on both sides of the border.

– To disseminate the information obtained to facilitate the evaluation and recognition of qualifications for citizens, through case studies.

– To identify cross border obstacles affecting individuals as well as public authorities during the process of evaluation and recognition of Vocational Training certificates.

– To establish a working group to remove obstacles and to develop a common process.

– To establish the equivalence between Vocational Training certificates in Galicia and North Portugal, and identifying if there is a need for additional training in order to have the recognition of certificates.

– To develop an automatic evaluation and certification process, both for individuals and for public authorities, through collaboration and reaching agreements between the Xunta de Galicia and IEFP.

-If the qualifications are considered equivalent, then there should be an automatic recognition of the certificate.  If the qualifications are not considered equivalent then what additional training is required needs to identified

– To creating an on-line evaluation and recognition application, designed to facilitate the process for applicants from both sides of the border, saving time and travel costs for citizens and a reduced administrative burden for authorities in both areas.

– To develop common Vocational Training studies in the Euroregion.

Who was/were the main actor/s responsible for its identification?

The first stage of this project, is the study “Labour Mobility in the Euroregion Galicia-North Portugal and Recognition of Vocational Training Certificates” has been developed by the GNP-EGTC.

The process, based on the conclusions and recommendations of this Study, are being implemented through a joint working group involving representatives of the GNP-EGTC, the Directorate General of Education, Vocational Training and University of the Ministry of Education, the University of the Government of Galicia and the Northern Regional Delegation of the Employment and Vocational Training Institute of Portugal.

How was the solution implemented? By whom? Answered above
How long did it take for the solution to be implemented?

The first part of this project, the Study, was completed at the beginning of 2011. Since then, information and correspondence on the current procedures for the evaluation and recognition of Vocational Training certificates between Galicia and Portugal has been available. Additionally available are the case studies analyzed, which can be used as guides for applicants.

Currently, the Working Group is implementing a process, according to the findings and suggestions for improvement of the Study, to streamline and simplify the evaluation and recognition process and to establish an automatic process for it. As previously mentioned, the work is based on the integration process of European higher education, the EHEA, in this case applied to vocational training.

This work is well advanced with the objective to have an online application to permit applicants to initiate the process of recognition. The last objective will be the definition and development of common Vocational Training studies in this Euroregion.

Did it have a positive impact on the overall level of CBC in the area?

Automatic recognition of certificates will facilitate labour mobility and allow a greater degree of dynamism of the labour market. This will increase the efficiency of matching workers and employers, training people for the requirements of the labour market and creating jobs to optimse workers potentials.

Thus these two regions could choose among the best workers throughout the Euroregion, relocating employees where there are more job opportunities in the sector concerned and reduce the high rate of unemployment. It will increase competitiveness, improve working conditions, and increase the business potential of this Euroregion.

In addition to the positive effects in the labour market, labour mobility is one of the main factors of cohesion and integration in cross border areas and is accordingly a step of great importance in the process of European integration.

Additional information This GNP-EGTC’s initiative has been awarded with the “Sail of Papenburg 2012” Award, by the Association of European Border Regions
Institution European Grouping for Territorial Cooperation Galicia – North Portugal (GNP-EGTC)
Contact details
 St. Eduardo Cabello s/n(CETMAR building), Bouzas
36208 Vigo (Pontevedra) – SPAIN
E-mail: gnpaect@gnpaect.eu
Year of record 2012