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Area of CBC activity Environmental
Sector of CBC activity Protection of natural heritage

Environmental management

Please, briefly describe the CBC activity you wanted to pursue Slovakia has 5 countries on its borders and there is at least one “shared protected area” with each state. There are also two trilateral protected areas:

  1. Trilateral Biosphere Reserve East Carpathians (Poland, Slovakia, Ukraine). The East Carpathians is a transfrontier mountain biosphere reserve with significant value for biodiversity conservation in Central Europe.
  2. Trilateral Ramsar Platform Danube-Dyje-Morava Floodplains (Austria, Czech Republic, Slovakia). The Trilateral Ramsar Platform was established with representatives of the environment ministries, nature conservation, water management agencies, and NGOs from all three countries. A joint agreement was reached  to cooperate on the designation of a trilateral Ramsar site, to develop a management plan for this site, and to enhance the communication and exchange of information relevant to conservation and sustainable use of the region.. Several successful projects in all three countries sharing the Morava floodplain were implemented.
Border areas (states involved) East Carpathians (Poland – Slovakia – Ukraine), Morava-Danube-Dyje Confluence (Slovakia – Austria – Czech Republic)
Institution Slovak Republic,Trilateral Biosphere Reserve East Carpathians,

Trilateral Ramsar Platform Danube-Dyje-Morava Floodplains,


Contact details Ms. Eva Chmelová, Director,Organizational Department Public Administration SectionMinistry of Interior of the Slovak Republic

phone: +421 2 4859 2150,

e-mail: eva.chmelova@mvsr.vs.sk

Year of record 2012