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Area of CBC activity Other
Sector of CBC activity Institutional cooperation
Please, briefly describe the CBC activity you wanted to pursue – The Cross-border Initiative Cooperation Office for the Andalusia-Algarve-Alentejo regoin is an example of successful development of joint planning between asymmetric institutional structures. – Further examples include:

  • the RIHLA, Network of Islamic Historical Influence Centres, Euromedinculture or FIPAC, all promoted by the Institute of Science and Art of Andalusia.
  • The cooperation agreement between the Galician Health Service (Verín-Ourense Hospital) and the School of Nursing (Chaves), for nursing student internships.
  • The Working Communities in Castilla y León with the Northern and Central Regions of Portugal (with very satisfactory results in relation to NUTS-3) as a catalyst for the development of cross-border cooperation in the area over the last ten years.
  • The Eixo Atlántico, including 34 Galician municipalities and municipalities of the North of Portugal is currently developing up to 10 European projects with a budget exceeding four million euros.
Border areas (states involved) Spain, Portugal
Institution Portuguese and Spanish local authorities
Contact details José Elías Díaz
Sub-Directorate General for Cooperation Relations with the Autonomous Communities
Directorate General for Territorial Cooperation
Ministry of Territorial Policy and Public Administration
(+34) 912734615
mail to: joseelias.diaz@mpt.es
Year of record 2012