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Area of CBC activity Environment
Sector of CBC activity Protection of natural heritage/Environment management
Please, briefly describe the CBC activity you wanted to pursue Two examples from the Community Initiative INTERREG IIIA Neighborhood Programme Slovenia/Hungary/Croatia 2004-2006:

1.”Reservoir of Kebele”- Flood control:

This project addressed the problem of the Kebele river which flows through both Hungary and Slovenia which can flood territory on both sides of the border. The project aims to control the flood waters in a manner to permanently protect the region from floods. This objective was achieved through work only on the Hungarian side of the river but had an impact on both sides of the border. A strong partnership consisting of national and local participants from both sides of the border was a key factor for success. The tangible result is a marked  decreasing of the risk of flooding. The nature of the project ensures its sustainability. The maintenance of the infrastructure is ensured by project partners on both sides of the border.

2. “Dinaris” project: The lynx is a vulnerable species and an important representative of the Dinaric fauna. Before the implementation of the project only limited international cooperation existed between the regional managers and there were only occasional cross border contacts between researchers and conservationists working in the area of Dinaric Mountains. This project helped to raise awareness regarding the biological and social aspects of the region, partnerships were established at the highest scientific and management levels and new tools were developed for joint monitoring of the lynx population in the crossborder region.

This resulted in the creation of joint strategy for the management of the lynx population which represents the first agreement of this kind between Slovenia and Croatia. The partnership consists of a wide variety of project partners, including the Society for Conservation, Research and Sustainable Development of the Dinaric Mountains Dinaricum and National park Risnjak, which will lay down the foundation for future coordinated conservation and management of the natural heritage which both countries share.

Border areas (states involved) Slovenia
Institution Republic of Slovenia,

National and local actors on Hungarian and Slovenian border.

Society for Conservation, Research and Sustainable Development of the Dinaric Mountains

Contact details Andrej Čokert,

Secretary Government Office for Local Self-Government and Regional Policy (GOSP)
Dunajska c. 58 SI-1001 Ljubljana, Slovenia
Tel: +386 1 320 16 21

Fax: +386 1 320 16 33

Mail to:andrej.cokert@gov.si

Year of record 2012