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Area of CBC activity Labour market
Sector of CBC activity Institutional framework
Please, briefly describe the CBC activity you wanted to pursue National legislation on employment relationships apply to employment relationships between employers established or residing in the Republic of Slovenia and the workers employed with them. Slovenian legislation also applies to employment relationships between employers and foreign workers concluded on the basis of an employment contract on the territory of the Republic of Slovenia. Legislation therefore requires that employers provide labour rights in accordance with applicable national legislation for the employees, irrespective of their nationality… and other personal circumstances in case of which law prohibits discrimination.
Border areas (states involved) Slovenia
Institution Republic of Slovenia
Contact details Andrej Čokert, Secretary,

Government Office for Local Self-Government and Regional Policy (GOSP)

Dunajska c. 58 SI-1001

Ljubljana Slovenia

Tel: +386 1 320 16 21

Fax: +386 1 320 16 33

Mail to:andrej.cokert@gov.si

Year of record 2012