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What was the core OBSTACLE in undertaking the activity? Liability issues that are regulated by the Franco-German Framework Agreement on Cross-Border Healthcare, but have not yet been regulated with the other partner countries.
Which were the main CAUSES of the OBSTACLE? Cross-border cooperation at all levels depends heavily on the persons involved.Cross-border cooperation is based on whatever the partners involved are willing and able to contribute; the result can be that this develops a momentum of its own.
Which were the main EFFECTS of the OBSTACLE?
Please, describe briefly the factor(s) which mostly (3-4) aggravated the persistence of the Obstacle
Institution The Land Government of Rhineland-Palatinate is a member of the Franco-German-Swiss Conference of the Upper Rhine (Deutsch-französisch-schweizerische Oberrheinkonferenz) (ORK) and of the Greater Region Saarland – Lorraine – Luxembourg – Rhineland-Palatinate – the Walloon region – the French and German-speaking community of Belgium (Greater Region).
Contact details State Chancellery of Rhineland-Palatinate,

mail to:Poststelle@stk.rlp.de

Year of record 2012