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With regard to providing healthcare services for persons who are not insured, indent 14 of Article 7 of the Health Care and Health Insurance Act provides that “payment for emergency medical treatment of persons with unknown place of residence, aliens from countries that are not parties to international treaties, and aliens and citizens of the Republic of Slovenia with permanent residence abroad who are staying temporarily in the Republic of Slovenia or are in transit through Slovenia shall be made from the budget of the Republic of Slovenia when such payment cannot be obtained from other sources; the same shall apply to other persons not covered by compulsory health insurance under this Act and not insured with a foreign health insurance institution.”

Border areas (states involved) Slovenia
Institution Republic of Slovenia “Health Care and Health Insurance Act “
Contact details Andrej Čokert, SecretaryGovernment Office for Local Self-Government and Regional Policy (GOSP)Dunajska c. 58 SI-1001

Ljubljana Slovenia

Tel: +386 1 320 16 21

Fax: +386 1 320 16 33

Mail to:andrej.cokert@gov.si

Year of record 2012