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Area of CBC activity Education and training
Sector of CBC activity Cross-border institutions
Please, briefly describe the CBC activity you wanted to pursue Teaching in more than one language in schools in border areas: there is bilingual school model in the Slovene-Hungarian region (from pre-school age, through compulsory 9-year elementary school and upper secondary schools). In the Slovene-Italian region Slovene pupils are taught Italian as a required subject (language of environment) and all pupils of the Italian minority learn Slovene language as a required subject.
Border areas (states involved) Slovenia, Italy, Hungary
Institution Republic of Slovenia
Contact details Andrej Čokert, SecretaryGovernment Office for Local Self-Government and Regional Policy (GOSP)

Dunajska c. 58 SI-1001

Ljubljana Slovenia

Tel: +386 1 320 16 21

Fax: +386 1 320 16 33

Mail to:andrej.cokert@gov.si

Year of record 2012