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Area of CBC activity Environmental
Sector of CBC activity Protection of natural heritage/Environmental management
Please, briefly describe the CBC activity you wanted to pursue Bilateral Ramsar SK-AT (Austria, Slovakia). Ramsar SK-AT is a project regarding cross-border cooperation in Morava-Thaya floodplains. Management. Objectives of the projects are preservation and management of the biodiversity in the March-Thaya-Auen region (Morava- Thaya floodplains) according to the terms of the Ramsar convention (“wise use principle”), developing a bilateral protection concept, organizing cross border activities with respect to the protective guidelines, establishing and improving of communication between regional and local authorities, land users, NGO´s and regional development units. This will strengthen cross border cooperation with regard to nature preservation, under Ramsar management, providing information and the raising of awareness of the local population and visitors.
Border areas (states involved) Slovakia,
March-Thaya-Auen – Austria
Institution Bilateral Ramsar SK-AT,
Slovak Republic
Contact details Ms. Eva Chmelová, Director,

Organizational Department Public Administration Section

Ministry of Interior of the Slovak Republic

phone: +421 2 4859 2150,

e-mail: eva.chmelova@mvsr.vs.sk

Year of record 2012